Ballot Initiatives — Quaker Voice Action

This year, six initiatives have been certified by the Washington Secretary of State, all aimed at reversing laws passed by the state legislature in recent years. Since Quaker Voice is focused on state decision-making, the fate of these initiatives is well within our scope of action. We are posting to tell you what the Board … Read more

Our Testimony on Rent Stabilization

Chris Ferguson submitted our official testimony to both House and Senate Housing Committees about our support for the rent stabilization legislation. He wrote: “Quaker Voice on Washington Public Policy commends the House Housing Committee for responding to the massive wave of rent increases that has washed over our state in recent years.  We thank the authors … Read more

Our Fall Letter — we need your support

Quaker Voice depends on donations from individuals, churches, and Meetings, to do its work. After many successes in our work during the last legislative session, we are getting ready for the 2024 short session. Read about the challenges coming our way and the priorities the working groups are setting in our Fall Letter.

Quaker Lobby Day, January 25, 2024 — register now

Friends, The 2024 session of the Washington Legislature has already started. Quaker Lobby Day is happening earlier this year, so that we can maximize our impact. Please join us in Olympia or online on Thursday, January 25, to raise our Quaker voices. Register at this link now so that we can have appointments with your legislators … Read more

Meet our new Legislative Advocate team

The Quaker Voice Board is delighted to announce a new team of Legislative Advocates. Paul Benz, our new Senior Legislative Advocate, has been a long -time social justice leader in Washington state’s religious community. In addition to Quaker Voice, he is working as the lead lobbyist for the Washington Coalition for Police Accountability. He served … Read more

Deadline Extended: Applications for Quaker Voice’s Washington State Legislative Advocacy Fellowship 2023-24

  Apply in 20 minutes HERE:  Washington State Advocacy Fellowship 2023-24 — Quaker Voice ( Our organization is seeking Washington residents [18-35-year-olds] with a passion for social justice and action for a learning opportunity during the upcoming legislative session. Applications will be accepted until November 4, with final selection in mid-November. Receive a $500 stipend … Read more

Juneteenth 2023 — one step closer

Juneteenth is a celebration of Emancipation, the biggest step Americans have taken away from the horrors of slavery and towards a society with true equality. The Washington legislature took another step, smaller but important, in the 2023 legislative session. They passed HB 1474 and established the Covenant Home Ownership Fund, which will provide down payment … Read more

Quaker Voice presents at Spring 2023 Pacific Northwest Quarterly Meeting 04-21-2023 

Watch the Quaker Voice on Washington Public Policy’s presentation at the Spring 2023 Pacific Northwest Quarterly Meeting on April 21, 2023:  Hear updates from our Legislative Advocate Lonnie Johns-Brown, and the Clerks of our Environmental Stewardship Working Group, Economic Justice Working Group, and Criminal Justice Working Group. Click: PNQM Friday Evening – Quaker Voice – Shared … Read more

Less plastic — our testimony on HB 1085

Ranae Hanson submitted the following testimony to the Senate Environment, Energy, and Technology Committee: My name is Ranae Hanson; I live in the 43rd District. I am writing on behalf of Quaker Voice on Washington Public Policy in support of SHB 1085, Reducing Plastic Pollution. We support this bill both for environmental and equity reasons. … Read more