Ombuds Bill Returns

Friends, A corrections ombuds bill is now eligible for a floor vote in the Washington State legislature, and must be voted on by this Wednesday, March 8, or face cut-off. Please phone or email (Today, or at the latest, Tuesday) your state senator to express your support for SB 5465, to establish an independent Corrections Ombuds.  … Read more

Key Vote on the Corrections Ombuds Bill

Dear Friends, The House Public Safety Committee will be holding a vote o;n Thursday, 2/16 on HB 1889, which establishes a corrections ombuds agency that is independent of the Department of Corrections. This bill is a major priority for Quaker Voice, and would do much to improve our correctional system to be healthier, safer and … Read more

Environmental Stewardship and Peace

Environmental Stewardship and Peace Working Group Clerk, Leni Skarin email: Focus issues for 2018: Support a carbon tax proposal, in particular the initiative still being drafted by the Alliance for Jobs & Clean Energy ( When this initiative is submitted in January, we recommend asking Quaker Voice to endorse it and to encourage individuals … Read more

Criminal Justice

Convener, Criminal Justice Working Group: Sam Merrill email: SamM… Read More on our Facebook page 2017 Focus Issues: Quaker Voice on Washington Public Policy Criminal Justice Working Group Priority issues for the 2017 legislative session: Reform Legal Financial Obligations: Legal Financial Obligations (LFOs) amount to criminal justice debts owed by released prisoners.  Specifically, LFOs are … Read more