SUPPORT SB 6344 increased education in prisons.

Contact your state senator today to ask him or her to support SB 6344 to protect public safety by reducing criminal recidivism through increased education of people in prison. Click here to view this post as a pdf file suitable for printing or emailing. SB 6344 BACKGROUND  The Department of Corrections (DOC) has requested the … Read more

SUPPORT I594 Universal Background Checks on Gun Purchases

Click here to view this post as a pdf file suitable for printing or emailing. Below are two emails I am sharing (one from me to Representative Sam Hunt, and his reply) to encourage you to write your legislators about gun responsibility, particularly support for universal background checks on firearm sales as required by I-594. … Read more

Sixth annual Quaker Lobby Day, Monday, Feb. 17, 2014 invitation

Dear Friends, You are invited to participate in the sixth annual Quaker Lobby Day, Monday, Feb. 17, 2014 (Presidents’ Day), in Olympia, sponsored by the Friends Committee on Washington Public Policy (FCWPP). Come gather with Friends from around the state, discuss issues of social justice that are before the state legislature, and meet with legislators … Read more

Quaker Voice Issues

HOW WE WORK ON ISSUES These Working Groups (committees) provide opportunities for Friends and like-minded individuals to follow personal leadings to make an impact on our world, especially our state, as supported and led by Friends’ Testimonies, bringing Friends’ historical experience and diligence to public policy on these issues. In order to accomplish this, each … Read more