Legislative Update

prepared for FCWPP by Steven Aldrich Two weeks past the cut-off deadline for getting a bill out of the house of origin in the state legislature seems a good time to pause to take stock of what we’ve done, what has been accomplished, what is left to do, and what might change because of our … Read more

Some updates from our lobbyist

It’s been an exceptionally busy week-and-a-half. I hope to have a more detailed report this weekend, but thought I would send this status chart out to Executive Board members, Legislative Committee members, and those of you who I remember being more active. Please feel free to forward to others whom you believe may also be … Read more

FCWPP Alert: Support HB 1338

Dear Friends,   Consistent with our goals for supporting opportunities for individuals convicted of a crime to redeem themselves and rejoin communities they were taken from after committing a crime, we are asking you to contact your state Representatives and encourage them to support House Bill 1338 to provide a reevaluation for Juvenile Prisoners sentenced … Read more

Support the Ombuds bill SB 5177

FCWPP Alert: Please contact your state senator to support the Ombuds bill SB 5177   Dear Friends,      SB 5177 would set up a Corrections Ombuds, to be appointed by and reporting to the Governor and to serve as a bridge between prisoners and the Department of Corrections.    Talking points:   The purpose … Read more

FCWPP Public Policy Work Plan: 2013

Approved January 18, 2013 1. Criminal Justice a. Goals: Give priority to efforts to repair the harm suffered by victims over attempts to punish offenders   Identify and address the causes of crime   Replace costly incarceration for both juvenile and adult offenders through diversion, drug treatment, job training, and education whenever appropriate   Redress … Read more