Quaker Voice Policy Statement INTRODUCTION Part I: “We seek a society with equity and justice for all” Section 1. Governmental Institutions Electoral Processes Government Accountability Information Policy and Access Criminal Justice Challenge Prisons Death Penalty Section 2: Civil Rights and Liberties Section 3: Relationships with Native Americans Challenge   Part II “We seek a community … Read more

Alert concerning transportation issues

Friends, Attached is an Alert concerning transportation issues.  FCWPP advocates: A balanced package addressing roads, transit, walkability and bicycle amenities and the Special Needs Transportation Fund Stable state level funding sources Options for local jurisdictions to raise revenues to meet local needs In advance of a possible special legislative session in November, listening sessions on … Read more

Support Initiative 522

To: FCWPP Activists, The following recommendation arose from the Local Responses to Global Challenges Working Group and has been approved by the Legislative and Executive Committees. I-522 is the measure on this November’s ballot that would require labeling of food containing genetically modified organisms (GMOs). “As members of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) bearing … Read more

Help needed today to maintain education funding

Contact your state senator today and ask her (or him) to: Support HB 2064 to fix our state’s current estate tax in order to maintain revenue streams dedicated to funding K-12 and higher education, and To block any effort to use HB 2064 to reduce the estate taxes paid by millionaires. Background: The state legislature … Read more

Special Session Budget Alert

Legislators continue to negotiate on our state’s operations budget. The Senate Budget proposal described in the attached letter not only forces additional cuts in social services this session, it will force additional cuts in future legislative sessions. We need those who represent us in Olympia to know Friends believe we need to find ways to … Read more

Support full funding of programs established to support Washingtonians who are disabled, blind, or aged.

Contact the two people who represent you in the House of Representatives and the one person in the Senate to request they support full funding of programs established to support Washingtonians who are disabled, blind, or aged. To contact a legislator, either send an email addressed using the form FirstName.LastName@leg.wa.gov (e.g. Senator Jim Hargrove = … Read more

Three criminal justice bills require action

FCWPP Alert: Three criminal justice bills require action in the Senate Ways & Means Committee  If you live in a legislative district whose state Senator is on the Ways & Means Committee, your senator’s action is crucial to advancing the following bills.  Please call or email themtoday (see list of Committee members below).  Action in … Read more

FCWPP opposes 2SSB 5540

Your voice is desperately needed to retain the comprehensive mental health care coverage insurers are currently required to provide in our state! 2SSB 5540—which FCWPP opposes—will be heard tomorrow, April 4th , in the Appropriations Subcommittee on General Government.  2SSB 5540 supports in-state sales of out-of-state insurance products. This has not been allowed in the … Read more

Bill Tracker

The attached Workplan/Bill Status Report provides information on how to follow-up on the issues discussed in the Legislative Update sent two days ago and, hopefully, informs readers where FCWPP is in our efforts to implement the Workplan the FCWPP Legislative Committee approved prior to the start of session. Thank you for your efforts and support … Read more