Protest the Execution of James Elledge

Next week, just past midnight on Tuesday, August 28, our State of Washington will kill James Elledge. Opposition to the death penalty is fundamental to Friends. The policy statement of the Friends Committee on Washington Public Policy (FCWPP) reads: “We seek the abolition of the death penalty because it denies the sacredness of human life … Read more


While Secretary of Energy Richardson (under President Clinton) signed an order to permanently shut down the FFTF, the new Secretary of Energy Abraham has suspended this decision and ordered a review. The Department of Energy (DOE) is now requesting comments on the shutdown decision.  ACTION: Send your comments by Tuesday, July 3, 2001:  Mail: FFTF … Read more

LEGISLATIVE ALERT – Criminal Justice

Dear Friends, In our first Alert for the 2001 session of the Washington State Legislature, we’d like to focus on criminal justice concerns. We’ll be touching on other areas of interest in future alerts. DRUG TREATMENT RATHER THAN INCARCERATION. The passage of California’s Proposition 36 mandating treatment rather than incarceration for most nonviolent drug offenders charged … Read more