Support efforts to protect the public from oil transportation accidents and to reduce carbon pollution

Dear FCWPP Activist: The Environmental Stewardship and Peace Working Group asks your support for efforts to protect the public from oil transportation accidents by today contacting the two people who represent you in the state house and the one representing you in the state senate. Both the house and the senate have passed separate, and … Read more

FCWPP Criminal Justice – HB1390, HB1704, HB1505, HB1885, SB 5755 need additional action soon if they are to become law

The criminal justice bills described below made it through Rules and were passed by one chamber in our state legislature. Now those same bills must get passed in the opposite chamber before the April cutoff. Please email your legislator today and ask she or he take the action in the ASK below. Three of these … Read more

FCWPP Environmental Stewardship – HB 1314, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, is currently stuck in the House.

HB 1314, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, is currently stuck in the House Appropriations Committee. We urge Friends to act now to contact your House members to express support for moving this bill to the floor and including the funds it would provide in the budget. (Please see the Attachments for a script or more … Read more

2015 Quaker Lobby Day Issues

2015 Quaker Lobby Day Issues Environmental Stewardship and Peace Support HB 1314 / SB 5283: Implementing a carbon pollution market program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This legislation — requested by the Governor — would create financial incentives to encourage less energy consumption, to invest in technologies that produce energy with fewer greenhouse gas emissions, … Read more

BT   Bill Tracker – Workplan/Status Report updated 1/26/15 Bill/Issue +/- Last Action Current Committee Status Next Step for Quaker Voice Brief Description HB1390/eliminate interest on LFOs owed to gov to support efforts to redeem, rehabilitate, and reintegrate 1/21/15 Heard in Hse Judiciary Hse Judiciary Needs Executive Action Lobby Committee Mbrs and encourage Chair to … Read more

Tell your legislators you support the governor’s proposal for a capital gains tax AND his proposed greenhouse gas emissions reduction program

Tell the two legislators who represent you in the House of Representatives, and your State Senator, that you support the governor’s proposal for a capital gains tax AND his proposed greenhouse gas emissions reduction program as required to provide funding needed to maintain or improve our state’s infrastructure of Social Safety Net programs, schools, and … Read more

Tell your legislators you support a capital gains tax to fully fund our social safety net; and you support cap and trade

Click What can Friends Do? to learn what FCWPP recommends you ask of your legislators. Everyone comes comes to Olympia at the start of each legislative session with high hopes. Progressives hope to finally reverse the regressive nature of our state’s tax system to fully fund needed social safety net programs, protect our environment, and … Read more

Take Action

Take Action Want to get involved? Make a difference? Here are some steps you can take. Join our Action Alert network– it’s free and it’s easy.  Just register here.  We’ll send you actions to take on the important issues facing Washington.  Communicate directly to your legislators online. Join Quaker Voice as a contributing member.  Help … Read more