Quaker Lobby Day update

We had a technology issue that made our online registration link inoperative the last week or so, but FCWPP is now eagerly awaiting your sign up for Q​uaker Lobby Day on Monday, February 15th.​ With no paid lobbyist this year FCWPP needs your enthusiasm more than ever. Click here to R​egister now​.  If you have never come … Read more

Post-Secondary ED To Higher ED Cmte 2016

Your state Senator (Legislative Districts 2,6,10,21,30,36,46) is one of seven members of the Senate Higher Education Committee, which is scheduled to vote on the Post-secondary Education in Prisons bill (SB 6260) this Tuesday afternoon (Feb. 2).  FCWPP has worked for many years to get a Post-Secondary Education bill passed.  We ask for your help now.  For … Read more

Ombuds 6154 L&J Cmte

Your state Senator  (WA Legislative Districts 4, 27, 28, 31, 39, 43, 46) is a member of the Senate Law and Justice Committee, which needs to vote on the Corrections Ombuds bill SB 6154 this week (by Feb. 5) for it to have a chance of passing this year.  FCWPP has worked for many years to get an … Read more

LFO Campaign

Dear Supporters of Friends Committee on Washington Public Policy in WA Legislative District one of 4, 25, 28, 30, 31, 39 You are one of only eleven supporters of FCWP who are constituents of one of the key state legislators needed for passage of HB 1390, a bill strongly supported by FCWPP. HB 1390 would provide partial relief … Read more

Oppose SB 6152 FCWPP Alert to Friends in the Seattle area

Can you in WA Legislative District one of 11, 23, 32, 34, 36, 37, 41, 43, 45, 46, 48 contact your state Senator to oppose a bill (SB 6152) that would reduceauthority to use toll lanes and charges to manage traffic flow?  Methods to manage traffic should be given a chance for evaluation before being rescinded. For … Read more

Quaker Lobby Day (Eighth Annual!)

Monday, February 15, 2016 (Presidents’ Day), 9:00-3:00 Olympia Friends Meeting House It’s a great opportunity to welcome and gather with Friends from around the state, discuss issues of social justice that are before the state legislature, and meet with legislators at the Capitol to bring our issues to their attention. Friends Committee on Washington Public … Read more

Increase revenue, reduce climate disruption

Support increased revenue to reduce climate disruption and provide for our poorest neighbors Please e-mail your legislators (two reps; one senator) today. Request they support a capital gains excise tax and carbon pollution market program to provide increased funding needed for education, needed to repair our shredded social safety net, and needed to address climate … Read more

Voice your support for a capital gains tax

Send Legislators an email today One thing is clear as legislative budget negotiators continue their deliberations: our current regressive tax system (most regressive in the nation according to The Seattle Times) does not provide the revenue needed to fully fund education, repair our shredded social safety net, and maintain funding for programs that survived the … Read more

Reduce the Prison Population

Washington will have to spend $290 million on a new prison, if this one last criminal justice bill is not in the budget. SB 5755 (or its companion: HB1885) is necessary to implement the budget (NTIB) and required if we are to reduce the trend of a year after year increase in the number of … Read more

Invitation to FCWPP Steering Committee spring meeting

Dear Friends of FCWPP, You are invited to participate in the spring meeting of the Steering Committee of Friends Committee on Washington Public Policy (FCWPP).  The meeting will be at 7 pm on Friday April 24 at Pacific Northwest Quarterly Meeting (PNQM), at Lazy F camp near Ellensburg.  We’ll be meeting in the dining hall. So, … Read more