Key Vote on the Corrections Ombuds Bill

Dear Friends, The House Public Safety Committee will be holding a vote o;n Thursday, 2/16 on HB 1889, which establishes a corrections ombuds agency that is independent of the Department of Corrections. This bill is a major priority for Quaker Voice, and would do much to improve our correctional system to be healthier, safer and … Read more

Environmental Stewardship and Peace

Environmental Stewardship and Peace Working Group Clerk, Leni Skarin email: Focus issues for 2018: Support a carbon tax proposal, in particular the initiative still being drafted by the Alliance for Jobs & Clean Energy ( When this initiative is submitted in January, we recommend asking Quaker Voice to endorse it and to encourage individuals … Read more

Quaker Lobbyist position – Help us provide a Quaker Voice in the Washington State Legislature

Friends Committee on Washington (State) Public Policy* is looking for a part-time Legislative Advocate and Policy Analyst (lobbyist) for the 2017 legislative session in Olympia.  This position will require approximately 20 hours a week during session and 10 hours a month before and after session (starting November 1, 2016).  Compensation is $20-30/hr., depending on experience. … Read more

Urgent Climate Action Needed

The lawsuit, Foster v. Dept. of Ecology, has just been decided in favor ofchildren who want the state to do more on climate change!  They are the plaintiffs for Plant for the Planet. The ruling will go to Governor Jay Inslee Monday morning (May 9).  Inslee is likely to instruct the Department of Ecology to come … Read more

Reform Financial Burdens Placed on Released Prisoners

Yes, this bill is back … and it’s at a crucial point. Your help is needed. 1. Legal Financial Obligations (LFOs) refer to restitution, fines, public defender costs, incarceration costs, drug treatment, etc. 2. Please contact your state senator to move HB 1390 toward passage. This bill on Legal Financial Obligations, as passed by the House 970, would … Read more

Support HB 1390: Reform of Legal Financial Obligations (LFOs) for released prisoners.

LFOs refer to restitution, fines, public defender costs, incarceration costs, drug treatment, etc.  Provisions of the bill: Accrual of interest (now 12%) on the non-restitution portion is eliminated in the future, and retroactively upon motion of the offender.  A court may not impose non-restitution LFOs on a person found indigent at the time of sentencing. … Read more

Your Support for Corrections Ombuds Bill is Critical

We are writing you because your state Senator is on the Ways and Means Committee that must make a decision on the Corrections Ombuds bill SB 6154 by next Tuesday, Feb. 9.  Passage through the Senate Ways and Means Committee, chaired by Senator Andy Hill (R; LD45), is critical.   Thus, financial issues related to the … Read more

Post-Secondary ED Passed In Cmte!

The Senate Higher Education Committee just voted on and passed the Post-secondary Education in Prisons bill (SB 6260) by a vote of 7 to 0!  It has now been sent to the Senate Rules Committee. Thanks to all of you who contacted your member of that Committee!  FCWPP has worked for many years to get … Read more