FCWPP Legislative Priorities for the 2010 Session

Approved by Steering/Legislative Committee, 1-09-2010   PRIMARY PRIORITIES 1. Criminal Justice: Sentencing Reform. The long-term goal is to reform both the nature of sentencing and sentencing review, reducing the prison population. Specific efforts will include advocacy of a sentencing review board, reductions in sentence lengths, continuation and/or expansion of earned release, ending the sentence of … Read more


Greetings, Activists! We’re expecting an amazing turnout for Quaker Lobby Day 2010–around 60 people have registered so far. We’ve got a full and exciting agenda (attached), focusing this year on criminal justice and revenue issues. Our keynote speaker, Rep. Mary Helen Roberts, will challenge Quakers to take the lead in organizing to significantly reducing the prison population over the next … Read more

This Sunday!!! Important Health Reform Update

Those who’ve worked hard to move health care reform forward on the federal level want people in Washington State to know how federal legislation will benefit you.  Please come to South Seattle this Sunday, January 17th  2 p.m. – 4 p.m. at UFCW 21, 5030 1st Ave S, Seattle to hear Congressman Jim McDermott, State Senator Karen Keiser, and … Read more

Statement on Domestic Partner benefits–Referendum 71

The Friends Committee on Washington State Public Policy (FCWPP) recommends approval of Referendum 71, affirming the adoption of SB 5688 by the Washington State Legislature in 2009 to extend to domestic partners all of the legal benefits afforded to married persons. Background: SB 5688 was adopted by the 2009 Washington State Legislature with the intent that … Read more

Ask the Governor to sign the Voting Rights bill

Friends, With the House concurrence today, both the Senate and the House have now passed the Voting Rights Restoration bill HB 1517 in the same form, so it goes to the Governor. Please contact Governor Chris Gregoire to say that she has your support for signing this bill into law. You can leave her a message through … Read more

Alert: Contact your Senator to support Voting Rights Restoration without amendments

FCWPP Alert: Please contact your State Senator to support Voting Rights Restoration without amendments Friends, Sen. Mike Carrell will likely offer an amendment to the Voting Rights Restoration bill (HB 1517) specifying that voting rights would be revoked if an ex-prisoner failed to keep up payment for restitution. Despite all that Sen. Carrell has done in the … Read more

Help prevent rollback on clean energy!

Dear Friends, In 2006, voters approved I-937 to guarantee that by 2020, 15% of the electricity from Washington’s largest utilities comes from new renewable energy sources. But the special interests who oppose I-937 want to use this year’s legislative session to undo its clean energy standards. The state Senate recently voted by a 27-21 margin to pass … Read more