SUPPORT HB 1651 Youth Opportunities Act

Friends, FCWPP encourages you to contact your Representatives in the Washington State House in support of the Youth Opportunity Act, HB 1651 so that individuals who may have made a mistake in their youth are not forever compromised by public dissemination of documents related to that mistake. HB 1651 would keep juvenile criminal records confidential … Read more

OPPOSE SB 5991 study nuclear power to replace electricity from fossil fuels.

Friends,We urge you to contact your representatives in the Washington State House to: OPPOSE SB 5991. Senate Bill  5991 specifies a study of nuclear power as a replacement for electricity generated from the combustion of fossil fuels. OPPOSE:According to the digest, this bill “Creates a joint select task force on nuclear energy to study how … Read more

SUPPORT HB 2347 enhanced safety of oil transport

Friends, We urge you to contact your representatives in the Washington State House to: SUPPORT HB 2347 House Bill 2347 is intended to enhance the safety of the transportation of oil. SUPPORT:Even though tens of thousands of Washington residents showed up at public hearings last year to protest the trend, the number and length of … Read more

SUPPORT SB 6344 increased education in prisons.

Contact your state senator today to ask him or her to support SB 6344 to protect public safety by reducing criminal recidivism through increased education of people in prison. Click here to view this post as a pdf file suitable for printing or emailing. SB 6344 BACKGROUND  The Department of Corrections (DOC) has requested the … Read more

SUPPORT I594 Universal Background Checks on Gun Purchases

Click here to view this post as a pdf file suitable for printing or emailing. Below are two emails I am sharing (one from me to Representative Sam Hunt, and his reply) to encourage you to write your legislators about gun responsibility, particularly support for universal background checks on firearm sales as required by I-594. … Read more

Sixth annual Quaker Lobby Day, Monday, Feb. 17, 2014 invitation

Dear Friends, You are invited to participate in the sixth annual Quaker Lobby Day, Monday, Feb. 17, 2014 (Presidents’ Day), in Olympia, sponsored by the Friends Committee on Washington Public Policy (FCWPP). Come gather with Friends from around the state, discuss issues of social justice that are before the state legislature, and meet with legislators … Read more

Quaker Lobby Day – 2013

Quaker Voice’s Quaker Lobby Day,  a Real Success Click here to register for Quaker Lobby Day Click here for details on Quaker Lobby Day, Monday, February 20, 2017 They came from Port Townsend, from University Friends, Salmon Bay, and South Seattle, from Eastside, from Vashon Island and Whidbey Island, from Olympia,and isolated Friends from east of the … Read more

Quaker Voice Issues

HOW WE WORK ON ISSUES These Working Groups (committees) provide opportunities for Friends and like-minded individuals to follow personal leadings to make an impact on our world, especially our state, as supported and led by Friends’ Testimonies, bringing Friends’ historical experience and diligence to public policy on these issues. In order to accomplish this, each … Read more