Quaker Voice needs your financial support

Many of you will soon be receiving a fundraising letter in the mail from Quaker Voice. For those of you who prefer no mail, the link to the letter is here. Your financial support, along with your volunteer time, is always important. Check the Donate page at quakervoicewa.org for the ways you can respond. You … Read more

Young Quaker Voices Report — April 22

Our Young Quaker Voices are preparing to report on their work during this legislative session on Friday, April 22, at 7 pm, as part of the North Pacific Quarterly Meeting spring gathering. The hybrid session will be available at this link. Meeting ID: 878 0818 2743 Passcode: 023296. Those of you at Lazy F Ranch … Read more

Quaker Lobby Day 2022

Quaker Lobby Day is coming on Monday, February 7. Please register right away — we want to swing into action arranging for meetings for you with your state legislators for that afternoon. On Quaker Lobby Day, we carry our testimonies into the state legislative process by asking our representatives to take action on specific bills … Read more

New Voices 2022

Two new people have joined the Young Quaker Voices program in its second year of operation, focused on the 2022 legislative session. This program provides education for under-30s in the state legislative process through involvement in Quaker Voice working groups. Abby Griffith is a Fellow with the Disability Mobility Initiative at Disability Rights Washington. A … Read more

New Quaker Voice Lobbyist

Welcome to Lonnie Johns-Brown We are pleased to announce that Lonnie Johns-Brown will join Quaker Voice as Legislative Advocate effective September 1. Ms. Johns-Brown has thirty years of experience as a lobbyist in Olympia. She has represented groups like the League of Women Voters, Resolution Washington, the Washington Association for the Education of Young Children, … Read more

2021 Heard the Quaker Voice!

In the 2021 state legislative session, Quaker Voice saw many of its long and short term efforts produce results. Low-income households, returning citizens, communities needing cleaner air, all benefitted. Our 2021 legislative report summarizes what happened with 20 bills and issue areas we worked for this year. Download it from “About Quaker Voice,” 2021 Legislative … Read more

Housing Justice Strides in 2021

In the Washington State legislative session just concluded, a session that many have judged to be historic in its progressive accomplishments, several enactments combine to enable major strides in housing justice.  Chief among housing-related accomplishments is likely avoidance of a feared tsunami of evictions at the end of the statewide eviction moratorium.  Other major accomplishments … Read more

Economic Justice accomplishments in 2020

In the 2020 session, the Economic Justice group emphasized housing, food, and income in its priorities, with top priorities in housing. The legislature passed a remarkable wave of bills in this area, providing $174 million in resources for the state’s affordable housing and homelessness needs. Showing the importance of the issues, all of this spending … Read more