Right to Repair — we have testified

From Ian Stanfield — For the last few years, Quaker Voice on Washington Public Policy has been supporting the passage of right to repair legislation. This year, that is House Bill 1392 and its companion Senate Bill 5464. Both bills had their public hearings last week, and Quaker Voice provided the following testimony in support … Read more

Finally, steps towards redress in housing — our testimony

Washington state legislators have introduced important legislation that creates a special purpose credit program to reduce racial disparities in homeownership in the state by providing down payment and closing cost assistance to qualified applicants. HB 1474 and its companion SB 5496 address systemic racism in the real estate, banking, and credit industries in Washington state. … Read more

Behavioral Health Workforce — our testimony

Here is the testimony Celestine West submitted on HB 1348, “Establishing behavioral health support specialists,” which has a companion bill in the Senate (SB 5189): I am Celestine West, a retired psychiatric nurse now living in Seattle. I am submitting this testimony in favor of HB 1348 on behalf of Quaker Voice on Washington Public … Read more

Washington Future Fund — our letter

Sent to the members of the Senate Human Services Committee (in support of SB 5125) and the House Human Services, Youth, and Early Learning Committee (in support of HB 1094), January 25, 2023 Quaker Voice on Washington Public Policy, a network of legislative advocates from Quaker communities across the state, strongly supports HB 1094.  In … Read more

Removing Sentencing Enhancements — our testimony

Quaker Voice testimony in favor of HB 1268 Thank you for the opportunity to testify on this important measure. 1268 is bill about racial equity. For too long, people of color have disproportionately received sentences of great length. During public testimony in the House in 2021, Department of Corrections staff testified that 29% of the … Read more

Support for Middle Housing — our testimony

Here is the testimony Chris Ferguson submitted to the Housing Committee of the Washington State House, on one of our closely watched housing bills, as well as on SB 5190, its Senate companion: Quaker Voice on Washington Public Policy urges advancement of HB 1110.  This vital legislation will foster more vibrant communities where all people can afford to … Read more

Solitary Confinement – our testimony

January 23, 2023 Members of the Senate Human Services Committee, My name is Tom Ewell and I live in Clinton, WA. I am submitting this written testimony in support of SB 5135 regarding solitary confinement on behalf of Quaker Voice on Washington Public Policy, an organization that reflects the values of the Religious Society of … Read more

Annual Meeting 2022 – registration is open

Registration is now open for the Quaker Voice Annual Meeting, Saturday, December 3, from 10 am to 2:30 pm. You can choose to participate remotely or in person at Eastside Meeting in Bellevue. You will receive full details when you register. The meeting will cover several important matters. – Our lobbyist will alert us to what is coming … Read more

Applications Open — Young Quaker Voices 2022-23

Applications are now open for this year’s Young Quaker Voices program. Please share the opportunity anywhere you think it might reach a candidate. The full program description and link to the application process are available at Young Quaker Voices Program — Quaker Voice (quakervoicewa.org). Applications are due October 30. This program encourages the active engagement of … Read more

Quaterly Meeting Discernment Session September 23

As part of the Finding Our Quaker Voices process, you are invited to join a discernment session during Pacific Northwest Quarterly Meeting, Friday, September 23, 7 pm, either in person at Lazy F or on Zoom. You can find the Zoom link at PNQM Online Interest Groups. The Meeting ID is 878 0818 2743 and … Read more