Criminal Justice: creating alternatives – March 12, 2011

HB 1775, our Restorative Justice bill, is scheduled for a hearing in the Senate Human Services & Corrections Committee Friday, March 11th. SSB 5073, which reduces the potential that those prescribing or selling medicinal marijuana are jailed for their efforts while also formalizing the operation of medical marijuana distribution centers to minimize the potential marijuana … Read more

Local Responses to Global Challenges – March 12, 2011

Supporters and opponents of 2SSB 5769 that required termination of coal fired electrical power generation reached a compromise that supported a vote in the Senate to pass the bill. Click here for more information…  E2SSB 5769 has now been scheduled for a hearing in the House Environment Committee on March 15th. Action: Call members of … Read more

Local Responses to Global Challenges: increased opportunities and Clean Air – 3/1/2011

When coal is burned, reports Howard Frumkin, dean of the University of Washington School of Public Health, “the health risks pile up. Air pollutants such as oxides of sulfur and nitrogen threaten cardiac and respiratory health. Tiny particles – some that rise directly from the smokestacks, others that form in the air from combustion products … Read more

Criminal Justice: creating alternatives – 3/1/2011

HB 1775, our Restorative Justice bill, was amended on the House Floor to increase the juvenile population eligible for diversion through Restorative Justice programs and passed by a 96:1 vote. EHB 1775 has now been put on first reading in the Senate Human Services & Corrections Committee. The Senate companion bill, SB 5706, remains in … Read more

Economic Justice: Access to health care – 3/1/2011

Still no action has been taken last week on HB 1847 that generates more than $100 million/year to fund the Basic Health plan by closing tax loopholes. Action: Call House Ways & Means Committee Chair Ross Hunter and request he schedule a hearing for HB 1847. HB 1889, which requires review of all tax expenditures … Read more

Environmental Issue for Lobby Day – 2/21/2011

Coal-free Future for Washington.  SB 5769 would phase out Washington’s single largest source of dangerous & toxic pollution, the TransAlta, the state’s only coal-fired power plant.  The proposed bill will address concerns about the health impacts of coal, climate change, and air and water pollution caused by the plant’s emissions.  The bill (prime sponsored by Sen. Rockefeller) … Read more

Restorative and Criminal Justice Issues for Lobby Day – 2/21/2011

Restorative Justice.  Restorative justice brings together all the people affected by a particular offense to provide an opportunity for the offender to accept responsibility, acknowledge the harm done, and for all to come to agreement about how to best make right any wrongs. HB 1775/SB 5706: Encouraging juvenile restorative justice programs.  The bill provides agencies … Read more

Economic Issues for Lobby Day! 2/21/2011

Economic Justice:  Support funding for Basic Health Plan (BHP), Disability Lifeline, Apple Health for Kids, and Take Charge family planning.  The House and Senate have approved the conference committee report for the supplementary budget (ESHB1086) that runs through of June of 2011.  BHP and other programs will be kept, but enrollments are reduced.  The crucial … Read more

Local Responses to Global Challenges: Increased opportunities for Clean Air – Feb 11

Department of Ecology assertions the state is not doing enough to clean its air has potentially increased support for HB 1825 that would create a Coal Free Future for Washington by forcing TransAlta to quit burning coal by 2015, ten years earlier than currently required by an outstanding gubernatorial order. (For more details on the … Read more

Criminal Justice: creating alternatives – Feb 11

Abolition of Death Penalty considered 5th District Senator Cheryl Pflug is reported to be considering whether to vote in favor of SB 5456, which replaces the death penalty with life without parole. The bill was heard Wednesday, February 9th and is believed to have sufficient support to get voted out of committee if Senator Pflug … Read more