Celebrate! Restorative Justice Bill is now Law

HB 1775/ Restorative Justice – Signed by the Governor, Friday March 30! Standing left to right: Sen. Jim Hargrove, Lonnie Johns-Brown (Crime Victim Advocates), Rep. Roger Goodman, Sam Merrill, Paul McCold, Jana McKinley, Beth Rodman, and Steven Aldrich.   On Friday, March 30 Governor Gregoire signed the Restorative Justice bill, HB 1775.  FCWPP was represented … Read more

Criminal Justice issues featured in March Friends Journal

Friends, Criminal Justice issues form one of the primary focuses of FCWPP’s legislative work in Washington state, based in part because of the long-standing tradition among Friends to engage in prison visitation and advocate for prison and criminal justice reform. I was very pleased, therefore, to receive this month’s (March 2012) Friends Journal with its … Read more

Criminal Justice featured in Friends Journal

Friends, Criminal Justice issues form one of the primary focuses of FCWPP’s legislative work in Washington state, based in part because of the long-standing tradition among Friends to engage in prison visitation and advocate for prison and criminal justice reform. I was very pleased, therefore, to receive this month’s (March 2012) Friends Journal with its … Read more

Description of Washington Investment Trust (HB 2434 & SB 5938)

Creates the Washington investment trust as a legacy institution that amasses sufficient capital reserves to address opportunities now and in the future. Creates the Washington investment trust commission as the primary governing authority of the trust.   Creates the trust transition board and the investment trust advisory board. Exempts the trust from payment of all fees … Read more

Citizen’s Custody Review Board (HB 2521)

Even though the Bill was cut-off, the possibility exists for a study to support future legislation (see last focus point), perhaps involving the Sentencing Guidelines Commission. Description of the bill in a nutshell:  Establishes a citizens’ custody review board authorized to determine whether individuals, whom society no longer needs to hold in prison for public safety, … Read more

An open letter from Tom Ewell regarding SB 8014

1/29/2012 Friends, For many decades Friends have challenged the military budget and the related military-industrial-complex. We have made this challenge because the cost of arms development and preparation for war – often without equal emphasis on diplomacy, support for development in poor and unstable countries, and increasingly without regard for international cooperation and support for … Read more

Feb 2, 10am Legislative Hearing on ending Afghan War and its Costs!

Senate Joint Memorial 8014, requesting a reduction in federal military spending and ending the war in Afghanistan, will be heard in the Senate Committee on Government Operations, Tribal Relations & Elections on Thursday, February 2, at 10:00 AM in the Senate Hearing Room #2,  Cherberg Building.  Please click here to read an open letter from FCWPP … Read more