Interest-Rate Reduction for Ex-offenders

Action: Please call or e-mail members of the Senate Rules Committee to pull HB-1359 out of rules and to the floor for a vote, and call or email members of the House Rules Committee to pull SB-5611 out of rules to the floor for a vote.  Each of these identical bills drafted by FCWPP has passed … Read more

Task force to examine issues of depleted uranium and hazardous substance exposure for the National Guard

We need quick action.  the Senate Budget has included our task forceconcept to examine issues of depleted uranium and hazardous substanceexposure for the National Guard. The House Budget does notcontain corresponding language. The next step in the process is a Joint Committee of the House andSenate to reconcile the two bills. Our last and only … Read more

Interest-Rate Reduction for Ex-offenders

Action: Please call or e-mail members of the Senate Judiciary Committee tovote HB-1359 out of committee and members of the House Judiciary Committeeto hear and vote SB-5611 out of committee.  See the Background below forwhy a Committee needs to process a bill from the other chamber. Background: HB-1359 has passed the Washington State House and SB-5611 haspassed … Read more

Criminal Justice and Mental Health Alert: PBS Frontline Program and bill E2SSB 5763 awaits Governor’s Signature

PBS Frontline is presenting a program on how the mentally ill people end up incarcerated in our prison system:  Nearly ten times as many mentally ill Americans are in prison as in psychiatric hospitals. In Ohio 16% of inmates have been diagnosed with a mental illness (a typical state percentage). The New Asylums, a PBS Frontline program … Read more

SB 5611: Criminal Justice Alert

Rising prison populations and high recidivism (re-offense) rates affect all of us in terms of public safety and diversion of limited public funds.  A bill before the legislature, developed by the Friends Committee and key allies, will help ex-offenders become successful citizens once they are released.   Ex-offenders usually leave prison with several thousand dollars … Read more

Estate Tax Alert

Call your Legislators on March 30   In coordination with the Washington Tax Fairness Coalition of which FCWPP is a participant,  we want legislators to hear from us in support of an estate tax on March 30.  Your call will add impact to a scheduled press event on March 29 featuring William Gates, Sr. and … Read more

Criminal Justice Alert: SB 5611 Changing the interest rate on legal financial obligations / SJR 8206 Prison Labor

It has been a wild week in Olympia.  We thank those of you who called your legislators on the three criminal justice bills SB 5339, SB 5611 and HB 1359.  A flurry of last minute calls almost resulted in the passage of SB 5339 related to discharge of sentence and restoration of civil rights, including the right … Read more