Invitation to Quaker Lobby Day February 9

Dear Supporters of the Friends Committee on Washington Public Policy, Friends have been a leading voice for prison reform for over 350 years. But our voice has never been needed more than it is today, when our nation has a higher reported rate of imprisonment than any other country in the world. So we invite … Read more

A Criminal Justice and a Military Recruitment bill must pass Committees

Friends–Another friendly nudge from you and we may end up with two more good bills passed this session: SB 6790 on prison education and HB 2026 on military recruiting in the schools. Thank you. Post-secondary Education for Prisoners.  SSB6790 is an exciting bill that attempts to reintroduce highereducation into the prison system by starting small. It authorizes … Read more


House Bill 2879 creating new terrorism crimes and expanding the death penalty, and House Bill 2416 greatly expanding wiretap authority in anti-terrorism investigations, passed the House with large majorities in mid-February. HB 2879 was heard in the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday the 28th. Chairman Kline did not let the bill out of Committee, killing it. … Read more


Friends—Global changes and their impacts  on our state and communities are critical issues which FCWPP will be including in its legislative focus.   This week is an important one, with four major bills before the legislature dealing with how we can build more sustainable communities . Climate change and fossil fuel energy peaking are real and … Read more

BIG WEEK on Criminal Justice!

Friends–This week is an exciting one, with a chance for us to make progress in criminal justice reform. If you can make some calls or write some emails right away, this is an excellent time. Questions? Don’t hesitate to call me at 206-276-9128 or email me at And thank you!   — written by … Read more

Omnibus Reentry Bill

SB 5070, the state omnibus reentry bill to salvage lives and reduce recidivism for the benefit of offenders, their families, and our communities, is in the House awaiting floor action before tomorrow’s cutoff deadline. Please urge your representatives to help bring this important bill to a vote, and to only support amendments that will mitigate unnecessarily harsh sanctions and make … Read more

SB 5295, The Corrections Ombudsman Bill

We have been successful in obtaining a hearing on SB 5295, the corrections ombudsman bill, which will be heard this Friday, Feb. 9 at 8:00 a.m. by the Senate Human Services & Corrections Committee, which meets in senate hearing room 1.   We will have to make a very substantial showing to get this significant … Read more

Urge Senate to Give Corrections Ombudsman Bill (SB 5295) a Hearing

Please call or email Sen. Jim Hargrove, chair of the Senate Human Services & Corrections Committee, to urge him to give SB 5295, the Corrections Ombudsman bill, a hearing.  Sen. Hargrove’s district 24 covers Clallam, Grays Harbor, and Jefferson counties. Calls from people in those counties are particularly needed, but calls from throughout the state will also be helpful … Read more

Support Bill to Create a Corrections Ombudsman

Sen. Jim Kastama (D-25th District) has filed a bill to establish acorrections ombudsman, which would fulfill one of FCWPP’s major goals for this legislative session.Current co-sponsors include Sen. Dan Swecker (R-20th District), Sen.Karen Fraser (D-22nd District), Sen. Chris Marr (D-6th District), Sen.Jeanne Kohl-Welles (D-36th District), and Sen. Debbie Regala (D-27th District).  Please thank them. Other senators can … Read more