FCWPP Public Policy Agenda 2011

approved by FCWPP Steering Committee – January 15, 2011 1. CRIMINAL JUSTICE     a. Goals:          i. Give priority to efforts to repair the harm suffered by victims over applying punishments to offenders        ii. Enable offenders to redeem themselves and reintegrate into society       iii. Replace costly incarceration through diversion, drug treatment, job training, and education … Read more

FCWPP Endorsement of Initiatives and a Referendum

FCWPP Alert:  FCWPP Endorsement of Initiatives and a Referendum FCWPP recommends: a YES vote for the following: Initiative 1098: Tax Reform initiative (This Initiative was endorsed earlier by FCWPP; for details see the Alert of 5-21-2010 on our website: www.fcwpp.org).  I-1098 reforms our unfair and imbalanced tax system and generates dedicated funding for education and … Read more

Quaker Witness at the State Capitol

An article by Tom Ewell from Western Friend, June 2010 A room full of fifty Friends is gathered in the Olympia Friends Meetinghouse listening to a state legislator explain the complexities of offering prison reform measures to the Washington State legislature. Friends from various parts of the state have gathered for the second annual Quaker … Read more

Initiative 1077, the Income Taxon Wealthy Washingtonians

Last week, the Steering Committee of the Friends Committee on Washington Public Policy minuted support of a state income tax and that “we encourage Friends in the State of Washington to read and consider I-1077 [1] and if they approve it to encourage their meetings to minute their support.” If approved by voters in November … Read more

Urgent alert re WA budget

Dear Friends,   We have sent out only a few legislative alerts this past short session because the legislature was so immersed in working out the budget. After an extended session a budget proposal is ready to be approved, but it needs our citizen support. Please consider calling your Senator and House members to urge … Read more

Spring 2010 Report to FCWPP Activists

Dear Friends,  My report must begin with the sad news that Susan Merrill died this past Wednesday, March 31. Susan had assumed the role of Assistant Clerk to FCWPP in the fall of 2008, but a week later she was diagnosed with a brain tumor. In spite of her illness she served in this capacity … Read more

Bill Moyers, Michelle Alexander

Dear FCWPP Friends,   May I recommend as strongly as possible that you take time to view the Friday, April 2, Bill Moyers Journal if you did not see it Friday evening or have not already seen it on line: http://www.pbs.org/moyers/journal/04022010/watch.html. The program features an interview with Michelle Alexander who has written a book about the “drug … Read more

Encourage Support for the Poor and Disabled

Urge our state legislators to approve revenue increases needed to reduce the cuts in vital state services, and to consider an income tax 1. Please ask your Representatives in the State House or Representatives to support the larger increases in state revenue approved by the Senate The state senate last week passed a budget that … Read more