Reform LFOs: HB1783

Friends, Legal Financial Obligations (LFOs) impose punishing burdens that tether low-income people to the criminal justice system for years after they have served their time. .  LFOs (fines, court fees, restitution, etc.) need reform so that former prisoners can reconstruct their lives and contribute to society. HB 1783 would (1) eliminate the current 12% interest rate on … Read more

Call on Washington State to augment its currently inadequate human services.

Friends, As an organization, Quaker Voice on Washington Public Policy supports Friends in expressing their values to their legislators and to see those values embodied in policy. As actors in the democratic process, we believe that a budget is ultimately a moral document which at its core expresses what our society values, and what it … Read more

Support a green energy economy in Washington

Friends, Two major bills that facilitate growth of the green energy economy in Washington have important votes coming up in the next few weeks. HB 1048, the improved solar energy industry support bill extending solar tax credits for individuals and communities, passed out of the House Technology and Economic Development Committee with a large bi-partisan … Read more

Ombuds Bill

Friends, A corrections ombuds bill is now eligible for a floor vote in the Washington State legislature, and must be voted on by this Wednesday, March 8, or face cut-off. Please phone or email (Today, or at the latest, Tuesday) your state senator to express your support for SB 5465, to establish an independent Corrections Ombuds.  … Read more

Encourage Senate Floor Vote for Ombuds Bill

Friends, A corrections ombuds bill is now eligible for a floor vote in the Washington State legislature, and must be voted on by this Wednesday, March 8, or face cut-off. Please phone or email (Today, or at the latest, Tuesday) your state senator to express your support for SB 5465, to establish an independent Corrections Ombuds.  The Corrections Ombuds, appointed … Read more

Ombuds Bill Returns

Friends, A corrections ombuds bill is now eligible for a floor vote in the Washington State legislature, and must be voted on by this Wednesday, March 8, or face cut-off. Please phone or email (Today, or at the latest, Tuesday) your state senator to express your support for SB 5465, to establish an independent Corrections Ombuds.  … Read more

Key Vote on the Corrections Ombuds Bill

Dear Friends, The House Public Safety Committee will be holding a vote o;n Thursday, 2/16 on HB 1889, which establishes a corrections ombuds agency that is independent of the Department of Corrections. This bill is a major priority for Quaker Voice, and would do much to improve our correctional system to be healthier, safer and … Read more

Environmental Stewardship and Peace

Environmental Stewardship and Peace Working Group Clerk, Leni Skarin email: Focus issues for 2018: Support a carbon tax proposal, in particular the initiative still being drafted by the Alliance for Jobs & Clean Energy ( When this initiative is submitted in January, we recommend asking Quaker Voice to endorse it and to encourage individuals … Read more

Quaker Lobbyist position – Help us provide a Quaker Voice in the Washington State Legislature

Friends Committee on Washington (State) Public Policy* is looking for a part-time Legislative Advocate and Policy Analyst (lobbyist) for the 2017 legislative session in Olympia.  This position will require approximately 20 hours a week during session and 10 hours a month before and after session (starting November 1, 2016).  Compensation is $20-30/hr., depending on experience. … Read more