Environmental Stewardship Alert 2/5/19

Two bills crucial for the future of our state’s ecology need help to make their way through the Washington State legislature. Both bills are important steps to prevent the worst effects of climate change:

  • HB 1112 would direct both the Department of Ecology and the Department of Enterprise Services to facilitate the transition away from hydroflourocarbons, extreme greenhouse gases such as those used in refrigerating units, to less harmful hydrofluorocarbons or substitutes. Leave a comment on this bill for your legislator here.
  • HB 1114 would confront a significant source of carbon emissions: food waste. Globally, roughly a third of food is wasted, and wasted food accounts for roughly 8% of global carbon emissions. This bill seeks to reduce food waste by 50% in Washington by 2030 by opening up grant funding to programs that reduce food waste in support of that mission. Leave a comment on this bill for your legislator here.